How to add own comments to PHP versions visible in PHP Selector?
CloudLinux OS 6(h)/7(h)/8
cPanel/Plesk/DirectAdmin/No panel
CloudLInux provides an opportunity to add custom comments to PHP versions, chosen with PHP Selector by users. Usually, they are used to notify users about outdated or recommended versions.
Upon forming a list of available versions selectorctl tool is looking for /opt/alt/phpXX/name_modifier file to append it as a comment to a version.
To add your own comments - create a file for desired PHP version and write a text inside:
$ vi /opt/alt/php54/name_modifier
Do the same for other PHP versions. The changes are applied instantly. Make sure to add just a few words not to break dropdown list. The text will be shown in brackets in the LVEmanager UI:
$ selectorctl -i php --summary
4.4 e - Totally unsupported version 5.1 - - Totally unsupported version 5.2 - - Totally unsupported version 5.3 e - Outdated version 5.4 e - Outdated version 5.5 e - Safe to use 5.6 e d Supported version 7.0 e - Recommended version native e -
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