First of all, check the /etc/grub2.cfg file, it should contain the record of the updated kernel like this (in our case, the updated version is 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.24.8.el7.x86_64):
Second, make sure that initramfs file for the updated kernel is present in /boot folder (yellow marked):
If any of those conditions are not met, make sure that your /boot partition has enough free space (at least 60-70Mb free to install a new kernel), but please note, that /boot does not always have to be a separate partition.
Let's assume that this is the right case, and there is not enough free space on /boot partition to install a new kernel. In this case, you can remove the oldest kernel in the list, here is how to do it:
First, you should run this command:
awk -F\' '$1=="menuentry " {print i++ " = "$2}' /etc/grub2.cfg
The output should look like this:
So, basically, what you need to do is remove the oldest kernel in the list, in our example, it would be the 3.10.0-714.10.2.lve1.5.17.1.el7.x86_64 version. So, to remove this kernel version, just run:
yum remove kernel-3.10.0-714.10.2.lve1.5.17.1.el7.x86_64
!!Please note, that yum should suggest removing only the kernel package, and not any other as a dependency!!
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