Below you may find the method to scan and clean up accounts via the command-line interface.
Any supported environment for Imunify360/ImunifyAV.
To run a full scan which will check users one by one and functions identically like the 'Scall all' option in the GUI, you will need to use the following command:
# imunify360-agent malware user scan
# imunify-antivirus malware user scan
Otherwise, you can initiate the scanning of the specific directory with:
# imunify360-agent malware on-demand start --path /home/USER/subdirectory
# imunify-antivirus malware on-demand start --path /home/USER/subdirectory
- To check the list of infected files found for a certain user, you may use the command below:
# imunify360-agent malware malicious list --user USERNAME --limit 500
As for the cleanup, if you are using Imunify360 or the extended version ImunifyAV+ that includes the cleanup option,
you can either set up the automatic cleanup so that all the detected files are cleaned upon detection. This can be set up in the Imunify360 > Settings > Malware tab > General section > Default action on detect.
Otherwise, you can initiate the cleanup process after the scanning process is finished using the malware command as follows:
# imunify360-agent malware malicious cleanup-all
If you wish to clean up files for a certain user on the server, you can use this one:
# imunify360-agent malware user cleanup USERNAME
You can then check the cleanup status via this command:
# imunify360-agent malware cleanup status
- An on-demand scan can be prioritized as follows
# imunify360-agent malware on-demand queue put /path/to/scan --prioritize
- All queued scans can be stopped as follows:
# imunify360-agent malware on-demand stop --all
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