Since the update, support mod_lsapi for Nginx has been introduced. It introduces comprehensive support for the mod_lsapi module with NGINX, marking a significant enhancement in the efficiency and functionality of NGINX servers utilizing LSAPI.
- Mod_Lsapi
- Nginx
Installation on cPanel servers
Option 1. For Apache users willing to transition to NGINX
You can use Apache2Nginx to set up NGINX hosting on the server and automatically convert .htaccess files into the corresponding NGINX configuration. The latest release of Apache2Nginx automatically sets up the new LSAPI NGINX module for websites hosted on Apache with LSAPI.
To use Apache2Nginx, first install the apache2nginx package:
dnf --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing install apache2nginx
Then convert to NGINX by running:
apache2nginx setup
The LSAPI NGINX module will be automatically installed and configured for you.
For more details, please visit the Apache2Nginx documentation page.
Option 2. For existing NGINX users without Apache2Nginx
For existing users of NGINX on cPanel who did not set up NGINX using Apache2Nginx, ea-nginx-mod-lsapi can be installed through the YUM package manager.
dnf install ea-nginx-mod-lsapi --enablerepo=cl-ea4-testing
For more details about the configuration and supported directives, please refer to the nginx-mod-lsapi documentation page.
Useful links
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