Where can I find my server licenses?
Which payment methods are available? Where can I add/update payment methods?
Where can I update my personal and company info?
Where can I update my CLN password?
What do I use as a login for CLN?
Where can I find my invoices? How can I pay off my debt?
How can I purchase a server license?
How can I configure report mailing?
How can I submit a ticket with technical support?
How can I create/manage an activation key?
Which activation keys are shown in my dashboard upon logging to CLN UI?
What is a default activation key?
How can I find my CLN Username?
Where can I find my server licenses?
Server licenses can be found on the Dashboard tab. Each purchased product has a number of used/total server licenses specified in its box.
Where can I find my servers?
Servers can be found in Servers left sidebar menu of the Dashboard tab. This tab is the default tab of CLN UI. Servers can also be found by clicking the corresponding activation key in Activation Keys left sidebar menu in products' tabs.
Which payment methods are available? Where can I add/update payment methods?
PayPal and credit card are the payment methods available. They can be set in Payment methods left sidebar menu of the Billing tab.
Where can I update my personal and company info?
This can be done on Account details page. You can get to this page by clicking your account name at the top right of CLN UI and choosing Settings in the pop-up menu.
Where can I update my CLN password?
This can be found on Personal Information tab of Account details page. You can get to this page by clicking your account name at the top right of CLN UI and choosing Settings in the pop-up menu.
What do I use as a login for CLN?
You can use either your email or CLN login name. CLN logins have to be unique.
What are the sub-logins?
Sub-logins are additional logins that can be used to access an account. The privilege level is actually the same for primary login and sub-logins. Sub-logins can only exist in form of email address.
Where can I find my invoices? How can I pay off my debt?
Invoices can be found in Invoices left sidebar menu of Billing tab. You can pay a debt by clicking Pay Now button on Invoices page.
How can I purchase a server license?
This can be done on Purchase sidebar menu of Billing tab.
How can I configure report mailing?
This can be set on Billing information tab of Payment methods sidebar menu on Billing tab.
How can I submit a ticket with technical support?
This can be done by clicking Submit ticket on the left sidebar menu (Help section).
How can I create/manage an activation key?
You can create/manage activation keys only for products that have purchased licenses or an active trial. Activation key management is performed in the corresponding product’s tab (available at the top of the page). You can generate a new activation key, set server limit for it, add a note and remove a key. It is also possible to set IP range and enable Sticky tag for KernelCare keys.
Which activation keys are shown in my dashboard upon logging to CLN UI?
Those are the default activation keys for each product.
How do I start a trial?
A trial can be started only once for each product in an account. The trial period for CloudLinux OS products is 30 days and the trial period for Imunify360 is 14 days. You can register one server for CloudLinux OS and Imunify360 trials and unlimited number of servers for KernelCare licenses. A trial can be started from Dashboard tab which is the default tab in CLN UI.
What is a default activation key?
A default activation key is generated automatically on server license purchase for each product.
How can I find my CLN Username?
The username (login) can be found on Personal Information tab of Account details page.
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