cPanel addons repository affects uninstallation
No Packages marked for removal
Remaining packages
Should you notice any Imunify processes or services are active after the Imunify removal, check if there are any Imunify-related packages. You can do this by running the following commands:
# rpm -qa | grep imunify360
# rpm -qa | grep imunify-antivirus
In case you find any – follow the uninstallation procedure and remove the service with the corresponding script – the one you’ve used for installing Imunify which is usually located in the root directory:
# bash --uninstall
# bash --uninstall
You can download the deploy scripts to perform uninstallation with the following commands in case you’ve removed it from the server previously:
# wget
# wget
Alternatively, it is possible to remove the packages manually (though it’s still recommended using the uninstallation script):
# yes n | yum remove imunify*
cPanel addons repository affects uninstallation
It may also appear that you face some errors during the uninstallation or unexpected warnings, e.g.:
root@server [~]# bash --uninstall
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, rhnplugin
Setting up Remove Process
No Match for argument: alt-python35-captcha
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: cpanel-addons-production-feed. Please verify its path and try again
Uninstall complete.
The solution to this will be a temporary disabling of the cpanel-addons-production-feed repository. After uninstallation is performed successfully, this repo can be enabled back.
No Packages marked for removal
In case you have a cPanel-based server, you are running the uninstallation script and, as a result, facing the following output while the Imunify360/ImunifyAV plugin is still available in the UI:
Detecting ostype... centos
Checking for an update to
Downloading (please wait) is already the latest version (2.19) - continuing
Loaded plugins: langpacks, priorities, universal-hooks
No Match for argument: imunify360-firewall
No Packages marked for removal
Uninstall complete.
Try to run the following command:
# yum -y remove imunify360-*
Or for ImunifyAV:
# yum -y remove imunify-antivirus*
# rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/imunify360/
If you notice that the Imunify plugin still exists in cPanel after this, use the following method of uninstalling cPanel plugins according to
# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/unregister_appconfig imunify360
# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/unregister_appconfig imunify-antivirus
Outdated deploy script
Another possible situation, when you run the uninstallation script, however, some packages are left on the server. The symptoms may be similar to the first occasion, but the reason is different – the deploy script may be outdated while a new version is downloaded. The workaround is the following:
# bash --uninstall --skip-version-check
Or re-run the following command after the deploy script is updated:
# bash --uninstall
Duplicate packages
The following situation may be caused by duplicate packages:
bash --uninstall
Detecting ostype... centos line 480: [: p
c: integer expression expected
Only CentOS/CloudLinux 6 and 7 are supported at the moment
Thus, if you are using CentOS/CloudLinux, you can refer to our article that describes how the duplicate packages can be removed on CloudLinux OS:
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